希望能够看到grasshopper for mac

现在mac的使用越来越普遍,rhino 的转型已经让我们看到了希望。虽然grasshopper是基于windows构架创建的,但我们仍然希望能看到mac版本的grasshopper。

謝謝您的意見,的確有不少 Mac 用戶在問 grasshopper,Rhino 原廠也知道,只是那不是一個小工程,所以一直無法做到,David Rutten 在2013年11月26日說法:

The inability to run GH on the Mac has been reported as a problem, but it’s not something we can just fix. There’s a large amount of code that needs to be written and a large amount of Grasshopper code that needs to be rewritten to become platform independent. We’re making a start with this, but it will be a long time before we’ll have anything to show for it.
